On Memorial Day, tens of thousands of people gather on Oʻahu’s South Shore along with many others via live stream and telecast to honor loved ones and generate hope toward the future. Shinnyo Lantern Floating Hawaiʻi allows for a personal moment to remember, reflect upon goodness, and offer gratitude to all who have and will share this Earth. It is a collective experience where families, friends and even strangers reach out with love and understanding to support one-another.
Many Rivers, One Ocean
We become stronger as a community when we are able to recognize our shared values. Shinnyo Lantern Floating Hawaiʻi helps to open our hearts through an experience that transcends the human boundaries that often divide us.
Share Your Light
When thinking of those who have passed, we reflect upon the qualities that made them special. These qualities and the warmth that we feel for our loved ones is symbolized in the light of the lanterns we float for them. We can continue to honor them by perpetuating their goodness in our daily actions. How will you choose to reflect their light and express yours toward the greater well-being and happiness of those around you, while generating harmony, peace, and hope toward the future?
Shinnyo is reality, or the true nature of all things. Each of us can experience personal transformation in any chosen moment by expressing or fulfilling our full potential, our best selves – our shinnyo, full of wisdom. We achieve this through self-reflection and expressing lovingkindness and compassion in ways unique to each of us. With harmony and peace as our goal, we uncover our true selves as we aim to help others experience hope, well-being and happiness. Shinnyo is the inner light that each living being possesses, without exception.
To learn more about Shinnyo Lantern Floating Hawaiʻi, please visit us at www.lanternfloatinghawaii.com
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For information on how you can become part of our volunteer ʻohana, please e-mail: SLFHvolunteer@naleialoha.org